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5 FREE mental health services you can access right now

August 12, 2021

We know it feels really overwhelming right now, with lockdown and general uncertainty about what the future holds in our industry.

While a lot of leaders and experts are encouraging us to look out for one another, we think it’s really important that we look after ourselves, too.

We’ve put together a list of all the free mental health services available right now. All of these services are managed and created by trained professionals and use evidence-based treatment and support.

If you’re struggling with your mental health right now, take a look and see if there’s anything that could help:



Beyond Blue

What do they help with? Mental wellbeing, with a focus on anxiety and depression.

Services Available: phone support, web chat service, online community forum.

BeyondBlue is a “one-stop shop” for everything related to mental health and wellbeing, with lots of guides and resources on managing your daily life, supporting family, and coping with isolation.

Visit their special coronavirus website here.


What do they help with? Crisis support

Services available: Phone, web chat, and SMS support for anyone

Lifeline is a 24/7 safe space where you can talk about your needs, worries or concerns. You can call 13 11 14 any time of the day or night, across Australia. Web chat and SMS support is also available from noon to midnight AEST, every day.

Visit lifeline here.


What do they help with? Mental wellbeing for youth aged 12-25

Services Available: Online and telephone support and counselling, group chat sessions, and  Telehealth psychiatric services for people in regional and remote Australia.

Headspace is a great resource for younger people, with lots of resources on mental health, managing work and study, and life issues. You can also set up your own account and create your own personalised mental health toolkit.

Check out Headspace here.


What do they help with? Mental wellbeing, including anxiety, depression and chronic pain.

Services available: Expert-crafted online courses specialising in wellbeing, mood, OCD, PTSD and chronic pain.

Mindspot courses are perfect for people who like structured learning with slides, workbooks, and lots of information. The courses are something you need to sit down and do with no distractions on a regular basis, but have proven results, and provide heaps of practical advice.

Start a mindspot course here.

SMART Recovery

What do they help with? Addiction recovery, including drug, alcohol, gambling, and cigarettes.

Services available: Online group meetings across Australia

SMART Recovery meetings are held weekly for 90 minutes a time, run by a trained facilitator, in a no-judgement, supportive space. The facilitators focus on motivation, behaviours and use evidence-based recovery tools. There are about 80 different sessions available, and some of the sessions are gender-specific.

Join a SMART group here.


We hope these are helpful! If you are still working, please remember that you have the right to respect and prioritise your mental health at work. We’ve broken down mental health hazards and your right to a mentally safe salon here.

Plus, you’re also entitled to up to 20 free (or subsidised) psychology sessions every calendar year under Medicare. You can get a referral from your GP, who can diagnose you and provide you with a mental health plan.

From team HSA, please take care of yourself! We know it’s really hard for everyone, and it’s so important that we prioritise our mental health and wellbeing. Taking the first step and reaching out for help can be the hardest, but we promise it’s completely worth it.

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