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August 24, 2021 9:12 am

What’s your experience of working in the hair industry been like? We know that the state of pay, conditions and qualifications is low compared with other trades. Hair stylists have been one of the lowest paid trades for generations, and nothing much has changed for the last few decades. We’re fighting to retain our penalty rates and entitlements. And at the same time, hair stylists are subject to unacceptable levels of bullying and harassment.

And nothing much will change, unless we are prepared to come together and create a movement, and speak out about the disrespect in the industry.

We’re asking members to share their stories and experiences in the industry. Stories of stolen wages, bullying, harassment, missing entitlements, and more. Stories from members who work hard, who love the industry and want to see hair styling respected as a skilled, professional trade.

Support the movement, by signing our petition to #demandrespect in the hair industry. Together, we can change the industry for the better.

Be a part of our community.

Join HSA

Stronger together.

  • 24 August 2021

    All hair stylists deserve long service leave

    We think portable long service leave should be available to all hair stylists, and we’re helping the ACT Government with its new legislation to make this happen.

  • Make wage theft a crime

    A worker could face jail for taking money from the till – but bosses can deliberately underpay their workers by thousands of dollars without repercussions. It’s time to make wage theft a crime across Australia.

  • We need Mental Health Training!

    Our clients often open up to us about their personal lives while in the salon chair. Hair stylists often play the role of counsellor, but with no training, advice or support. That’s why HSA is calling for mandatory understanding mental health training to be included as part of a hair stylist’s apprenticeship.